AGENT ACCOMPANY!! Old Haggards Black Dog Tavern! Property has a commercial well and septic system that are in unknown condition. Both were in working order before the fire 20 years ago. The County considers this SINGLE FAMILY home site, no previous commercial use right. It may be possible but would need to go through the planning process. The structure has fire damage but may be salvageable. The property also has experience squatters and vandalism. Being sold AS-IS with all debris and priced accordingly. All due diligence is the responsibility of the buyers. Well permit is listed as 5 motel rooms, a tavern, grocery and laundry as is the well permit. About 60' of river frontage! Please DO NOT visit or walk the property. For safety reasons Broker must be there. Showings start the afternoon of Monday 9/16 by appointment.
01/2 BATHS
School Ratings & Info
AGENT ACCOMPANY!! Old Haggards Black Dog Tavern! Property has a commercial well and septic system that are in unknown condition. Both were in working order before the fire 20 years ago. The County considers this SINGLE FAMILY home site, no previous commercial use right. It may be possible but would need to go through the planning process. The structure has fire damage but may be salvageable. The property also has experience squatters and vandalism. Being sold AS-IS with all debris and priced accordingly. All due diligence is the responsibility of the buyers. Well permit is listed as 5 motel rooms, a tavern, grocery and laundry as is the well permit. About 60' of river frontage! Please DO NOT visit or walk the property. For safety reasons Broker must be there. Showings start the afternoon of Monday 9/16 by appointment.
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This data was last updated: 2025-02-14T23:56:24.77.